Local Authority Police State (04)

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  ,  , 


DEFRA sent Local Authorities to Police our industry.

"Local Authority employees are not Police, they are representatives of an unaccountable corrupt institution."

What’s wrong with local authorities, why don’t they work and what’s wrong with the people who work for them?


All over the country Local Councils do whatever they like because they believe that they are the law and have been granted the divine right to do anything they please.

For example:

  • Councils make decisions that only benefit themselves.
  • Councils will lie about everything and everything to avoid having to admit to their mistakes, negligence or misconduct.
  • Councils believe that they could run everything much better if the public didn’t exist.

It’s during planning disputes where most people realise that moral bankruptcy, the ethically challenged and professional misconduct are the universal and necessary attributes required to support a police state.

Councils task individual officials to guide damaging or unpopular policies past the public in exchange for promotions. Our elected representatives don’t matter because they can be coerced into voting in favour of anything because council employees prepare and present the evidence they consider - and worse, our representatives can be bought for the cost of a pint on the golf course to give their own pet projects a chance.

Councils are a law unto themselves and they have free legal advice on hand to rig an entire hearing.

  • Councils do things like demanding that all questions be presented beforehand - and rather than answer the questions, issue a statement then claim that their non-answers or entirely false statements can't be questioned because that would be a cross examination!
  • Even when Local Authorities have to face the public, corrupt officials game their own systems and change the rules to give themselves more advantages … like hold a public hearings at 9:45 on a work day so that only retirees can attend.
  • Councils waste public money convening performative sham hearings in the pretence that if there are persuasive arguments it can be stopped and the pretence that all the benefits for the Authority were coincidental rather than orchestrated and predetermined.

Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 01)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 02)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 03)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 05)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 06)