Local Authority Police State (01)

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  ,  , 


DEFRA sent Local Authorities to Police our industry.

"Local Authority employees are not Police, they are representatives of an unaccountable corrupt institution."

What’s wrong with local authorities, why don’t they work and what’s wrong with the people who work for them?


The easy answer is that 40 years ago central government had full control of all councils and so were accountable to someone.

During the next 20 years central government argued that almost anything could be done better by local people - and in effect councils were privatised as the political mantra at the time was “outsource everything”.
Which led to a massive reduction of in-house managerial talent as private industries were paid to provide community services.

Outsourcing eventually led to a lowering of service standards as it became clear that businesses who were made to fight for contracts soon found out that they could not provide the services at the prices that councils were paying them.

On the political side, even the people we vote in to represent us as councillors have become a waste of time and space.

  • Because while they are plucked from the local area, to get anything done they have to find alliances to support their wards.
  • Parish Council reports are routinely ignored.
  • On the big issues they are only voting to support the council’s aims.
  • And all of the evidence they have access to is prepared by the council and presented by partial council employees which of course will only reflect the council’s predetermined outcome.

But even if we leave the institutional corruption aside, local bureaucracies are not equipped to make decisions affecting any businesses because they are the antithesis of all businesses - As institutions they are the epitome of corruption, waste and inefficiency.

Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 02)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 03)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 04)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 05)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 06)