DEFRA sent Local Authorities to Police our industry.
"Local Authority employees are not Police, they are representatives of an unaccountable corrupt institution."
What’s wrong with local authorities, why don’t they work and what’s wrong with the people who work for them?
As individuals, officials can’t be fired and as a monopoly councils can’t be boycotted.
Councils don’t need to provide a quality service and regardless of productivity or incompetence, they raise their own budgets by charging the public by raising personal property taxes, choose their own salaries and everyone gets paid regardless of the corruption and waste.
The most important factor to understand is that a government bureaucrat doesn’t have any qualifications that could get them a job elsewhere so they lie, deflect and misdirect about everything to keep their jobs.
Whenever the public has to deal with Local Authorities we are faced with a cesspit of lies, deceit and chaos.
Not because the central government cuts funds and expects them to provide better services, but because Local Authorities make so many mistakes that only hiding behind a cesspit of lies, deceit and chaos can help them avoid being held to account.
In every conflict, Local Authority officials avoid responsibility by using misdirection, lies and bullshit as their first response … and every subsequent line of defence is more lies and bullshit because the aim is to waste everyone’s time, run out the clock or bore everyone to death because they get paid anyway.
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 01)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 03)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 04)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 05)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 06)