DEFRA: A Drain on Business

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  ,  , 


DEFRA and local authority bureaucrats are paid whether they’re wasting their own time or wasting everyone else’s - but it’s simply unaffordable and infeasible to run a business on buraucratic principals and find the time to deal with well practiced bureaucratic deflection and bullshit.


DEFRA's regulations were fixated on by DEFRA officials to mimic DEFRA's failures.

  • Introducing multiple layers of inefficient bureaucratic nonsense into our workflow.
  • Denied their own failures by refusing to accept responsibility for their mistakes.
  • Deny that their work poured tax-payer money down the drain and their regulations poured our money down the drain.
  • Not caring that every minute spent on bureaucracy is a minute less looking after the animals in our care.

Regulations & Inspections:

  • Every year our sector is inspected through the lens of DEFRA’s useless regulations - Something which causes a loss of productivity, reduces the number of people willing to be subjected to inspections and has increased the number of unlicensed establishments who are ignored by local authorities because they have no money allocated to a serious issue.
  • But the most important thing to understand about inspections is that if you met the regulations when you opened, unless the regulations are altered, virtually nothing will ever need re-checking or answering again.
  • If you spend a few hours transposing all of the areas licensing officers are supposed to be checking into tick-boxes - there are so few boxes that would need to be updated from the previous inspection - therefore there’s no point in annual inspections and no subsequent inspection needs to last longer than 3 minutes or can't be held via zoom.
  • Yet we have a situation where Local Authorities are collecting public money for carrying out inspections, and collecting private money from us for the same inspections. And the charges that local authorities charge us are not transparent or consistent and cost us more each year when the vast majority of regulations will never need checking a second time.

Inspections & Local Authorities:

  • When licensing officers make mistakes, catteries and kennels have to communicate with every cognitively challenged local authority as individuals.
  • DEFRA created an artifice to protect themselves from being held to account, where they made up a rule to pretend that they not obliged to get involved in disputes that they caused.
  • Which forces us to pay for lawyers to challenge councils on an individual basis and collectively we need to pay for expert representatives to go over thousands of documents just to deal with DEFRA.
  • We need to pay our own experts to constantly hold meetings and chase up every disorganised, delinquent and incompetent council.
  • Collectively we have pay for lawyers to refute the idiotic arguments of every incompetent bureaucrat because while DEFRA is a failed experiment of governance the culture they have erected to protect themselves allows them to play games with public money and private business without consequence.