DEFRA: You're Fired!

by Cat Whisperer — on  , 


I don’t know how DEFRA managed to hang on for another year but DEFRA are still acting against our sector and against all the citizens of the UK who own companion animals.

A New Year’s present for Catteries and Kennels would be for DEFRA to be put out to pasture and put out of their misery.

It’s an absolute disgrace that the only thing the Victorian charlaton Jacob Re: Smog, MP’s from both sides of the chamber, ex-Tory cabinet ministers, the Speaker and the public have ever agreed on is that the Civil Service are a bunch of lazy, incompetent half-wits - but while Moggy was just pissed that no one with a skill for box-ticking would help him take away human rights, worker’s rights and consumer protections, everyone else recognises that DEFRA are a bunch of lazy, incompetent half-wits because everything they’ve touched has harmed Britain.

DEFRA need to recognise that the only reason anyone feels this way is because the people who have been maintaining the highest standards of companion animal care are the people who DEFRA have been ignoring, insulting, attacking and driving out of business since 2019.

  • When DEFRA took on responsibility for our industry, they were clearly in no position to throw stones at anyone else, in no position to understand the issues and in no condition to write any legislation for any sector.
  • DEFRA’s source of advice were the farcically named Canine and Feline Sector Group - A group who do not represent our sector, have no connection with us and are dominated by a super majority of self-serving tax-dodging charity lobbyists.
  • DEFRA exists to safeguard our environment but have degraded it to enrich shareholders - DEFRA have supported papermakers who are one of the most water and energy-intensive industries to pollute air and water with complex organic and inorganic pollutants, pour bleach into the drains and rip more trees down for pulp just to accelerate the pollution and environmental degradation … And DEFRA think we’re too stupid to look after the animals in our care or run our businesses without their help is laughable.


2024: The year of solutions.