DEFRA: Structured to Fail (1)

by Cat Whisperer — on  , 


DEFRA’s institutional pathological arrogance, sense of superiority and self-importance ended up inflicting reams of unworkable legislation on this country’s catteries and kennels.

This is the manifestation of the individual hubris of an elite who to plan to run everyone’s lives whilst doing the lowest quality and least work themselves.


DEFRA can’t blame their failures on anyone else because they are an ungovernable institution with no effective management structure, no identifiable strategy or basic integrity and no legitimate excuse for writing our regulations without any professional oversight or contact with our sector.

DEFRA secretly engaged in a takeover of privately owned catteries and kennels on the basis of imaginary problems and false belief in bureaucratic infallibility to devise the most inappropriate solutions.

  • No one knows who originated the policy.
  • No one knows who came up with the thought that our industry was so full of animal cruelty and in need of such radical reform that regulating every aspect of our lives, increasing red tape, imposing higher costs for no tangible benefits was the only way to improve animal welfare.
  • No one knows why DEFRA tried to do something that didn’t need doing, has no benefits for anyone and was carried out without any consultation.
  • And only DEFRA denies that the outcome has been disastrous for the entire sector.

When DEFRA were forced by parliamentary questions to address the situation they broke all the cardinal rules of integrity:

  • The DEFRA spokesperson looked at our parliamentary representatives across the dispatch box, lied and deflected and did nothing.
  • A year later DEFRA agreed to arrange sham Zoom Calls to fill the void of doing nothing and issued misleading statements that were again followed up with doing nothing.
  • In subsequent Zoom Calls accepted data from this sector as fact, but downplayed the problems, ignored their responsibilities and did nothing.
  • Insulted our intelligence by pretending that “unintended consequences” excuses their mistakes after making multiple decisions to do nothing.

The fact is that even if DEFRA was a functioning institution, they are guilty of reckless mismanagement and manifest negligence even if they hadn't taken their advice from a front group dominated by charities to advise them on our sector.
It wouldn’t have cost DEFRA a penny to receive reliable advice - It’s just that DEFRA didn’t contact anyone in our sector, they took advice the unrepresentative and unserious charity dominated Canine & Feline Sector Group.
And given that DEFRA knew that the CFSG advice was absolute shite, DEFRA still didn’t contact our sector and filled in all the holes with imaginary science and arbitrary numbers and as a causal effect this blog exists.