DEFRA can’t justify its interference in our sector and can’t blame anyone else when it all went wrong.
Even if there was any mistreatment of animals in boarding establishments, this sector wouldn’t have needed or asked for government institutions to fix them.
This sector would respond to a non-confrontational and educational approach carried out by people looking to solve problems, not people who create them for a living.
DEFRA wants to pretend that the entire debacle wasn’t their fault. But they can’t blame the Canine and Feline Sector Group because DEFRA knew their advice was shite and used it anyway.
- Nothing the CSFG said could account for all the crap that makes up the 26 pages of drivelling nonsense that DEFRA officials codified into law before it was proof-read.
- DEFRA couldn’t claim that they didn’t know that the vast majority of the CSFG is made up of charity lobbyists for sectors who couldn’t possibly know anything about our sector and certainly couldn’t represent our interests.
- So while DEFRA would love to point the finger at everyone else, it was DEFRA’s responsibility to reject their advice and contact someone in our sector and immediately stop what they were doing.
DEFRA chose local authorities to enforce their demands, before proof-reading the legislation, carrying out a feasibility study and without any competent officials or industry representatives being involved.
- DEFRA executed this without finding out whether every council employs competent licensing officers or whether the qualification or training they had was sufficient to engage in what was essentially a policing operation.