DEFRA: Professional disservice meets fascism

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  ,  ,  , 


Unlimited power without responsibility smells a lot like fascism.


DEFRA don’t care about service and don't understand perception and vice versa.

DEFRA refuse to recognise that they didn’t have the knowledge, skills or talent to rewrite our legislation - and now our sector has regulations that aren’t applied consistently, do not improve animal welfare and have contributed to the reduction of a third of this country’s boarding capacity.

DEFRA's regulations were written to address a whole raft of problems that didn't exist.

DEFRA added in legislation that was aimed directly at controlling every aspect of an entire commercial sector of privately owned businesses. The imposition of permanent lockdown without any concern for mental or physical health issues, deciding our work policies and curtailing owner's rights to any downtime is just one of the areas where DEFRA interpreted their role to be an abuse of power and real world fascism.

DEFRA’s regulatory framework is an unfocussed, unfunded, un-costed and reckless assault on small businesses and local communities.

DEFRA’s regulations are the perfect example of the failure to meet any stated objective while attacking the poor, the elderly and small community based business owners.

DEFRA's regulations are prime examples of authoritarianism gone mad.

  • DEFRA wrote our regulations without any knowledge or experience of our sector and without contacting anyone in this sector.
  • DEFRA's ill-informed staff made choices based on their assumed unlimited power rather than any scientific or verifiable data.
  • DEFRA decided they could force us to pay for things we didn’t need, hire extra staff we couldn’t afford and deal with increased paperwork without any time and that we could pass all those increased costs onto the UK holiday-maker.
  • And if we don't comply with all of DEFRA's insane and pointless demands, we're threatened with being downrated and they built in the penalty for barely literate low-level local authority functionaries to close us down for any and all infractions, imaginary or real - with no appeal.

Department for Fascism Recruitment Agency