DEFRA: Out of their depth

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  ,  , 


DEFRA are out of their depth.

In 2019, with the lack of proof-reading with references to fish, with overreach into personal lives and no consultation with the industry, there was only ever one solution: DEFRA had to be told to bin the regulations and start again.

  • The regulations need to be stripped back the essential task of local authorities issuing a license.
  • It's necessary to limit the reach of the regulations to what's policeable and what's universal.
  • For everything else, catteries can be provided with an advisory to encourage best practice.

Too much ignorance was codified because DEFRA officials assumed limitless authority was theirs to regulate every aspect of our lives and businesses.

  • Our industry is entirely capable of writing our own regulations.
  • The only legitimate reason to involve any local authority in our sector is to issue licences.
  • We don't need a rating system - Our customers carry out viewings and after they stay, decide if their cat was happy with us.


We know exactly who wrote the regulations, we know why DEFRA were ill-informed by the advisory board and why DEFRA managed to get absolutely nothing right.

  • It was DEFRA who decided on their brief independent of any outside influence or reality.
  • It was DEFRA who decided what the problems were and it was DEFRA who wrote regulations for an industry that no one they consulted with knew anything about.
  • It was DEFRA who decided they could combine an unworkable and untested rating system with a regulatory framework that insinuated the subjective view of an unqualified local government official into the operation of private business.

DEFRA have done nothing to hold themselves accountable for this mess.

  • DEFRA’s intentional ignorance isn’t unique because stupidity and tyranny are the underpinnings of all institutional abuse - but it so happens that DEFRA is one we can expose because they put all of their mistakes in writing.
  • DEFRA's failures to react to the industry’s myriad of complaints in any meaningful way is just another example of wilful and inexcusable negligence.
  • DEFRA have held a sham review to discover the unintended consequences, when the most obvious consequence is the number of experienced people who were driven out of this industry who cite DEFRA’s regulations and the attitudes of incompetent local authority inspections as the final straw.

To conclude: DEFRA are not just out of their depth, they are completely out of their minds.