Sabotaged from within
Not all representatives serve the industry's needs or have the same aims or outlook and some only formed to represent themselves.
I've been discussing the problems these regulations have caused people for years now and when these stories were coming to light, in one group, the causes were ignored, the debates stifled and those on the receiving end of DEFRA's insane regulations were demeaned and their stories ridiculed by a tiny number of self-entitled wannabe gatekeepers.
These were the type of people who have no financial worries, no problem with reinvestment and no interest in any of the real issues and who worked tirelessly to sabotage any changes to the legislation to secure their own influence ... and in the worst case even tried to take credit for another group's work.
The types of self-important narcissists who view everything through their own lens - If a problem doesn't affect them, then it isn't a problem at all - Those who will defend any overreach or support any regulation so long as it financially disadvantages the riff-raff, drive the scum out of their business and improve their industry's image.
The type who no longer work because they take advantage of a business model that runs on volunteer dog-walkers or generate enough cash to pay graduate staff to run their businesses, while they go on holiday and still make a profit - so why should they care?
And it's this sense of entitlement that prevented anyone getting ther foot in the door for two years in which time dozens of people were forced out of this industry, not the bad, but those with the most experience and the least able to magic up funds for unnecessary refurbishments.
This industry needs leaders who don't assume more weight because of their social standing, education or monetary advantage, because everyone's interests and the interests of our entire industry needs a voice and everyone needs to be represented when something goes wrong.